Client Results

The techniques I learned are working!

Learning how to handle stress through the crazy time at school has been a blessing. When I felt like I was getting stressed, I took steps to handle it. I chose to stay positive by thinking of happy things and fisting up my right hand to change my mind set. When a colleague who irritates me came around I used one of the techniques I learned and she didn't bother me at all! These techniques are working for me!

I am more powerful than the addiction

On June 6th, 2024 at 17:06 hrs I smoked my last cigarette. It has been eleven days and I have no desire to smoke. The power that has been unleashed in my mind is amazing. Any thought I have toward smoking is not being completed. And the realization that I am more powerful than the addiction is wonderful. I look forward to the rest of my life being a non-smoker. Thank you, Renia, for this power.

Quit marijuana after 23 years of daily use

My experience has been surprisingly positive. After smoking marijuana daily for 23 years, I stopped after my first session and have not been smoking since. This is the first time I have been able to decide to quit and stick with it. It really is amazing. Thank you!

This program has changed my life mentally and physically.

I started the weight loss program Feb 9, 2024. Today is April 13, 2024 and I have lost 22 inches. It does not show as much on the scale but does show in inches. I have been able to focus on to stop and think when I feel like I am getting stressed or upset. I take action I am think, smart, happy person. I can do anything. I am a sponge that is able to absorb all new information to a new healthy lifestyle. I believe in me.

Calmer, sleep better, concentration is better, driving with more care! I recommend it to anybody.

I’m now a better version of me – one I didn’t know existed!

Before coming here my anxiety controlled my life. I relied on my anxiety for my day-to-day activities. I stopped going to school and I really thought there was no way that I could get out of this anxious part of my life. I had panic attacks every day, especially at night. I couldn’t go out anywhere – I was always homebound. I always felt alone and I felt like I always had a weight on my shoulders 24/7. Today was my 9th session and I never thought it was possible to get to where I am today. The weight that was once on my shoulders is no longer there. I am months free of panic attacks! I am out all the time finally living a normal life. Before I always felt like I wasn’t normal. I now realize it’s normal and nothing is wrong with me and there is a way! I had so much fear, so much doubt but I went into this with an open mind and I am so glad I did. I’m now a better version of me – one I didn’t know existed! I feel free, like I’ve got a new beginning.

Lost 13.75" in 7 weeks!

I came to my first appointment with low self-esteem, sadness, feeling fat and not worthy. I have started to forgive myself and stop blaming myself for things that are out of my control. Renia has taught me that I am important and a good person. I am smart, kind and to stand proud of who I am. My book of life is not a bad one - it is cool and full of adventure, fun and awesomeness. I lost 13.75" in 7 weeks and I feel awesome!

I just had my first nail appointment

I started hypnosis sessions looking for any cure of my life-long nail-biting habit. After a few sessions I was less nervous and noticing that I was not biting my nails and longer. I have been given daily tools to help me stay on path. I just had my first nail appointment that I thought I would never get to experience in my lifetime. I am so happy of the success and glad I never have to be embarrassed anymore.

Grandchildren love that I smell less like smoke

I have completely ceased smoking for appox 2 weeks from 35+ cigarettes per day. I struggled some after the first appointment but after second quitting was relatively easy. I have tried cold turkey but the positive reinforcement provided made all the difference.
Smell is much clearer, Breathing has improved, & Tire less easily.
I would recommend hypnosis treatment to all long term smokers. As mentioned, the reinforcement provides the additional will power required.

I sleep better and no more anxiety

Before starting the hypnosis I was struggling daily with stress and anxiety. It was a struggle to get out of bed, to motivate myself to accomplish daily tasks and chores. I was always in a state of panic and feeling overwhelmed. Since my weekly meetings I can wake up and breath. I take on my day with no anxiety. I accept today’s challenges and accomplishments and do what I can. I sleep much better and feel more refreshed and energized for my day.

My life has changed for the better

Before coming here my anxiety took over my life. I spent every day afraid to leave my house. It was so bad I had to take a sedative for my panic attacks. My days were based on my anxiety. Along with my anxiety I got depression and could go to school in person any more. I was in a state where I would do anything and everything I oculd to get me back to myself. Coming here just in this short time (4 weeks) my life has changed for the better. I am now able to leave my house and do things a normal teen should experience. I went from Isolating myself to getting out every chance I can get. I am so thankful because I did not think it was possible. Honestly, I’m so beyond happy with the huge progress I have made. This is so worth it!

I feel healthier mentally and physically

I have lost weight (18″). I am less likely to eat junkfood when I find myself hungry. I drink more water. I find that I am thinking more clearly. I walk for up to an hour almost every day. I make healthier food choices. All of these things have put me in a a place where I feel healthier mentally and physically. As a result I have a much more positive outlook going forward and I am eager to see what progress I will make in the future.

Overcame a severe needle phobia

I came to Renia September of 2023 for an extreme needle phobia. In the past I would have to be medicated by Lorazepam before each needle and I would have extreme panic attacks while on it. I was very lost and felt very hopeless that I would never get past this barrier in my life. Although I am still scared of needles I and I did cry when I just recently got one, I did not need to be medicated and did not panic. Renia showed me many techniques to use and they have changed my life – not only with needles, but with applying my learnings to my everyday life.

Changes are happening!

I’ve reduced my body by 4.5″ (in 6 weeks) and feel confident that by continuing to exercise daily and eat nutritiously I will lose more. I have learned tools to change my way of thinking and put me first. I am getting excited to achieve my goals for a happy, confident me.

New Positive Habits

Its been 6 weeks an I have lost to date, 1 1/2″. Great start and I feel stronger in my mind and confident that I can and will continue to not only lose more weight but to have a more positive change. NEW HABITS: Mindful eating, more active, thinking about me, letting things go as they no longer serve a purpose.

Hypnosis has provided me with the tools to do what I need to do to get where I want to be. It is a “work in progress” and it will be a continued work in progress I believe for my whole life.

Renia has helped me understand why I do what I do and learn to move forward. Understanding the root helps guide me in the right direction. Renia has helped me find the strength to join a class that would help me to keep active. This strength also guided me to see a naturopath. The combination of the circuit training class I attend, naturopath appointments, Renia’s audios and meetings helped with my ongoing transformation. It’s not just about losing weight, but my overall wellbeing. Renia has helped me with positive guidance, letting go of the ways things “use to be” and putting me on the right path of success. To date I have had progress with weight loss, confidence, creating boundaries and dealing with certain situations. I will continue with my progress by staying on a path to create a better “me”.

Cravings Have Gone Away and I Don’t miss it
Lost 11.5″

LIFESTYLE CHANGE: Conscious balance of self with family and work. Putting health in daily mix instead of everything and everyone else first and if any time – then self last. Now self is front and center, mixed with family work.
EATING CHANGE: Cravings have gone away. No night time eating and I don’t miss or even think about it. Desert or processed foods/junk food is now a treat and specifically thought about and enjoyed more instead of being a daily choice no paid attention to.
POSITIVE FOCUS & GOALS FOR FUTURE: Having personal goals and timelines to work towards and getting excited to accomplish instead of thoughtless days rolling by.

Thrilled with the progress I have made

– Lost 14″ – Lost 14 pounds – Better eating habits – Eliminated snacking – More active then I have been in years – Feel much more active, agile, easier to move – Better living capacity – Feel much more energetic – Not watching TV all night – Not eating out – Thrilled with the progress I have made

I have lost 40lbs 🙂

I am so thankful that I have Renia in my life now. She has given me so much information and encouragement in my weight loss journey. I’ve always struggled with my weight and I have always said “I know all the things I should do and eat but I just can’t seem to do it.” With hypnosis it has totally changed my mind set. I am able to make the proper choices without feeling deprived, knowing it’s the right choice to make for myself. She has been there for me along the way with tips and tricks, hypnosis tapes to listen to. They all seem to resonate with what I am going through at the time. Since September when I started I have lost 40lbs. I have kept it off and plan on keeping up my lifestyle.

Non-smoke for life after Hypnosis!

Smell Better. Confidence boost. Feel healthier. More energy. Clearer focus. I have been a smoker for 37 years and now a non-smoker for life.

Quit smoking after 17 years

I came to Loving Hypnosis as a last resort as I have tried for years to quit smoking. I have smoked for 17 years – half a pack a day. I have heard that hypnosis has helped many people quit. So I decided to give it a chance. I am so glad I did as I am now a week and half smoke free with minimal cravings. It truly worked and I am so happy it did!

Now enjoying life instead of being in Fear / Anxiety

I have noticed changes in the way I have my outlook in life. My sickness doesn’t control my life and keep me confined in the house. I look forward to start enjoying life instead of being in fear an constant state of anxiety. Renia has given me the opportunity to take control of my life again. Thank you!

Sessions have been powerful and eye opening

I am relived and excited that I have taken this step to help me in my life. These sessions have been powerful and eye-opening in helping me understand that just because things have “always been this way” doesn’t mean they have to continue this way. I am in control of my life and how I react to things. I feel powerful and in charge of my life. These sessions have helped me immensely.

Lost 6 inches of my body!

In the first 2 months of sessions I have lost 13 lbs and 6 inches. I feel energized and motivated to keep this trend going. I can imagine myself at my goal weight now and and have the ability to get there. I am making changes to allow myself the best future possible.

Lost 5.5 inches and have more energy

Since starting my sessions with Renia I have experienced a number of positive changes in my life. To start, I have lost 5.5 inches. I have more energy and am enjoying daily walks. I am sleeping much better due to reduced stress. My relationships have improved because I chose not to be triggered by thing that would have caused increased tensions. I am trying new experiences such as meditation. My self-confidence has improved because I am no longer second guessing what I want for me. Thank you Renia

Lost 5.5 inches in my first 6 weeks

After 6 hypnosis sessions (6 weeks), I have noticed changes in my daily life. I am more focused and aware of my eating habits, my reasons behind bad habits, and how to address them with a clear mind. I not that before I eat, recognize how food affects my body, whether good or bad, and why I should or should not eat it. I have lost 5.5 inches in my first 6 weeks of habit changing. My routine is changing to include better planning, more time for myself, daily physical activity and why I am important and should be. Definitely an amazing experience.

I am now smoke free 4EVER

I smoked for most of my life. I quit for 3 years and started smoking again during the pandemic. I cam to Loving Hypnosis because I don’t want to die yet. Something had to change – NOW. I am now smoke free 4EVER! Hypnosis saved my life. I will be eternally grateful, eternally. Thank you, Renia.

I feel more energetic

Just want to say that after smoking for 35+ years a pack or more a day that I am now a non smoker and feel great. I no longer feel like my lungs are bubbling when I lay down and I feel more energetic!

Easiest choice I’ve made…

I was a smoker for 15 years. I did the hypnosis and I feel great on my new chapter in life, ready to look forward and not back. The first 2 days were the hardest for me but now it’s 2 weeks and it’s the easiest choice I’ve made.

Couldn’t go one hour without a smoke…

I smoked a full pack a day – couldn’t go one hour without a smoke. The part I am most proud of is I feel better about myself and I’ll never be a full time smoker again.

Dropped 7.5″ off my body

I feel I have grown to see a much better person in myself as well as dropping a full 7.5″ off my body frame. I feel that all my self healing ways such as my videos, hypnosis sessions and personal conversations have done very well for me and set me off in the right direction to getting back to my old self. This has brought more of the good feelings and positive thoughts and feelings back into myself. I now recognize harmful lies and bad energies in my life a lot faster, therefor I am quicker to deal with them in a mindful, positive way. I feel I am in a better and safer place – more stable and sure of myself at all times and can see things a lot clearer in my future path and goals.

I discovered how to let go of behaviours that don’t serve me

I started sessions with Renia to help better manage stress and challenging family relationships. Throughout the sessions I was surprised to not only learn the tools to manage stress and anxiety, but also to discover that I could let go of behaviours that don’t serve me. For example, I used to be obsessed with keeping a very clean and tidy home. I would vacuum every day and follow rules that affected how I scheduled my days (and my family). As I began the sessions, I realized that I can choose to prioritize other activities that make me happy. I still vacuum every other day but I’m now aware that I can choose a different path to live a more meaningful life. My family has noticed and appreciated the change.

Lost 4 inches in six weeks, but got more than that…

I am so grateful to have met Renia in the time of my life when I really needed to “jump start” my mind set and physical life again. Since meeting, the hypnosis has changed my life positively, erasing all the negative recording that I have played in my head for years all through my childhood and adulthood. I have lost 4″ in six weeks and am very grateful for the weight reduction. I have more energy since doing cardio each day!! I signed up to lose weight in my body, but have lost so much more negativity in my head. So happy, grateful and energized!

Lost 11.5 inches in seven weeks!

Thank you Renia for providing me with the tools and the mental capacity to get my life on a healthy path. The weight loss & exercise routines I have gained through this program have given me the confidence to feel good about myself and see a future full of energy & vitality. I have been faithful with the audio recordings every day and they have been extremely helpful along with the guidance, encouragement and advise from Renia. Lost 11.5 inches in seven weeks!

Lost 6 inches total off my body

When I starting, I was not expecting any results. But after 4th meeting I feel my pants was more loose and looked like I lost some inches on my belly because I have tightened more my belt. That was BIG surprise for me because I had hard time to keep my new routine like walking and doing some exercise and eating healthy food. Another surprise for me was going to swimming pool at 5:30am. All that small steps give great unexpected result losing 6” total off my body. The biggest changes was with my habits like eating sweet an drink a lot of coffee. I feel great now and push me to do more and I know I will be feeling better and more healthy in the future. THANK YOU!!!

I feel 100% more in charge of my destiny

I wanted help in organizing and prioritizing my life goals. What do I really want? I am a 44-year old woman with a big list! Renia helped me identify what was really important to me. Through our sessions I was taught how to achieve those goals. In a comfortable and relaxing way she helps build a road map for your subconscious. The individual sessions I had were very motivating and inspiring. The practice work she gives you keeps that motivation going. Personally, I feel 100% more in charge of my destiny and more relaxed about how I will achieve it.

More ease when learning to play bansuri flute

I arrived with the desire to learn to play a very challenging musical instrument, the bansuri flute. With a start later in life, zero musical skill and no natural musical talent……I had been working at it with some progress…yet very very slow progress…and some mental blocks. Renia immediately recognized how important this was for me and clearly saw and celebrated the desire I had to learn.

With her creative, efficient work and inquiry we investigated the whole meaning surrounding this musical journey i was on as well as a look into my past to uncover some truly wonderful parallel influential elements. After 2 sessions a custom hypnosis audio was created by her and I listen to it daily.

Since then I’ve experienced a whole new ease in my music, an acceleration in my learning and a precious joyfulness in my playing. This is indeed is very powerful. If you need support taking something in your life to the next level I highly recommend you work with Renia !!!!

I’m able to face difficulties with much more courage and confidence

I needed help with handling conflict. I’m an avoider and I wanted to work on getting more courage and confidence in difficult situations. Renia listened to me kindly and guided me with so much care. She nailed what was most important to me and helped me find my own strength. Her hypnosis recordings were so beautifully put together and I still use them to motivate me. I’m happy to say I’m able to face difficulties with much more courage and confidence thank to her NLP lessons and sweet hypnosis.

A new sense of emotional freedom

Renia’s soothing and uplifting voice during our session really allowed me to feel fully relaxed and be open to her thoughtful words. Afterwards, I felt rejuvenated and I could feel a new sense of emotional freedom I hadn’t felt in a long time. Relaxed and at peace but also with a new surge of purpose.

Self worth & abundance!

I had a few sessions with Renia and I am more than happy with the results! My goal was to know and truly believe that I am worthy of the same love and abundance that I give to others. She worked her magic on me and my subconscious mind because after the first one, I already felt some change in the way I was thinking and approaching things! I started to feel more assertive in a positive way. Felt I was worthy and abundant. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

My past thoughts had led to behaviors that didn’t serve

We are, all of us, on our journeys. Each of us experience life in a unique way. And providence on my journey, brought me to work with Renia. I wasn’t clear on what I needed, but knew I needed something. My thoughts had led to behaviors that didn’t serve me and outcomes had taken their tolls both physically and mentally.

Renia’s approach was grounded insightful and engaged. In only three (too few) sessions she was able to identify and address where to go, how to help and how I might support myself going forward. She provided me with a better understanding, treated me via hypnosis and left me with tools I have since employed. My journey brought me to hypnosis sessions with Renia. I’ve been enjoying it more since.

Hypnosis for stomach pain

I get occasional awful stomach pain that goes on for hours and hours. Antacids do nothing to help. Renia used hypnosis to treat me during an episode of it. After her soothing attention, my pain was gone! It did come back a few hours later but it was reduced, and finally ceased soon after.

Removing a block

As a person who is interested in healing and alternative modalities, I am open to the possibility of new ways of healing. The issue I decided to deal with was a bit obscure, but definitely a block in my desire to work in a specific area. Renia was professional, confident and skillful in her approach to my issue, which resulted in an ability to approach the area that I was having issue with in a completely different way. If you are being called to this kind of healing, I wholeheartedly recommend Renia. Her ability to connect with anyone and give them a greater degree of clarity and freedom in their desire for change and healing can be trusted.

Review in the form of an official letter
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What We Offer

Our unique blend of hypnosis & neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can help with many things.


See how we can help you change your eating habits


Quite smoking permanently with our hypnosis services


Learn how you can handle stress and worry in your life.


We have many different techniques you can learn to help you increase your confidence levels

Our unique blend of hypnosis and NLP (neuro linguistic programing) teaches you to interrupt the fear


How do you break a habit that you have had for a long, long time? It may seem impossible – don’t worry – we can help.


Become an expert at relaxing your mind and body in preparation for a sweet night of rest that you deserve!


Relationships can be challenging and sometimes it hard to navigate through the ups and downs

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